The Andaman & Nicobars are a group of 572 picturesque Islands, mostly uninhabited in an arc in long and narrow broken chain nearly 800 km long in the SE of the Bay of Bengal. They lie along an arc in a long and narrow broken chain, approximately North-South over a distance nearly 800 km. Their proximity to SE Asia and isolation have made it a hotspot for birding. The highlight of the tour would be the Nicobars which is rarely birded but the real haul is when you do both island groups together which boast a rich list of more than 31 endemics. The beauty is that its proximity to SE Asia throws up surprises apart from species you expect from SE Asia.
In our birding here we shall attempt to view all the practically possible Andaman & Nicobar endemics as well as some species that are difficult to view on the mainland.
Beautiful Beaches and crystal clear waters make it one of the best destinations for Scuba Diving and Snorkeling. If you are interested you can indulge in these optional activities on free days or with an extension.
Andaman Birding Tour
Endemics Mania Andamans is a hotbed for endemics. The highlight of the tour would be the Nicobars which is rarely birded but the…
Andaman & Nicobar Birding Tour
Endemics Mania Andamans is a hotbed for endemics. The highlight of the tour would be the Nicobars which is rarely birded but the…